On August 23, 2011, Kim and Mike Newman were married on a yacht on Lake Las Vegas! It was an experience that I will remember for years to come! Little did Mike and Kim know that it was Shanna and my first time doing a Lake Las Vegas wedding on the yacht. It turned out to be a success! Let me explain why.
When Shanna and I arrived there, we knew how everything had to run, but still had no idea what to expect. To better acquaint ourselves, we toured the yacht so I knew where everything was and Shanna could scope out good photo ops. We introduced ourselves to the captain, the caterer and the bartender. The anticipation was building as I was getting last minute things ready for this couple I had yet to meet. Mike and Kim arrived to the yacht right on time. I knew right when I met them that this was going to be a lot of fun! We went over some paperwork and they met with their minister, Al Hansen, and their photographer, Shanna Magnuson. We let all the guests onto the yacht. After a few minutes of enjoying the air conditioning, we had everyone except the bridal party go to the upper deck of the yacht where the wedding was taking place.
The bridesmaids looked beautiful. Their dresses were perfect and I loved the color was varying shades of blue like the water! I let them know that when they hear the music to start walking up the stairs. They were really enthusiastic and ready for this wedding to happen. Kim looked gorgeous from head to toe! Her dress fit her perfectly. The part I loved the most about it was that she had a shawl-type look with it that she wore during the ceremony. Then after the wedding, the shawl came off and it was more like an evening party dress, but still classy for a wedding. I loved it! The dress fit Kim’s personality, which made it even more fun. Mike was dressed a little more on the casual side, but after getting to know him, I saw how it fit his personality as well, and he too looked great.
The wedding ceremony was a hot one! But, Al Hansen gave a sweet ceremony to Mike and Kim. Shanna did a great job of capturing those tender moments during the ceremony; they looked so in love and enjoying every moment of it! When the ceremony was over, we all went back to the lower deck to enjoy the cool air conditioning. Mike and Kim were mingling with their guests. Shanna and I were able to talk with them and get to know them and their story of how they met. We found out they met on a friend’s boat and the rest is history! After I found that out, I realized how perfect it was that they wanted their ceremony and reception on a yacht!
The guests were so great and also fun to get to know. Once we were all settled downstairs, everyone started getting drinks at the cash bar. After some drinking and mingling, the caterer brought out all the food for dinner. I let the guests know that the food is ready, so they can help themselves. What I thought was funny is that Mike and Kim were almost the last ones to get food. They had all their friends and family go before them since they wanted them to eat, which was really sweet. From all the comments I heard, the food was delicious! The food was provided by Canna Lily Catering, and they did a great job!
Once the dinner portion of the reception was done, Shanna asked if she could steal the couple away for about 10 minutes to get some photos of just them. I said, “Sure! Go ahead!” They went off to their photo shoot at different spots on the yacht. The guests kept mingling and eating and having a great time. Shanna brought them back and I led them into the cake cutting. Mike and Kim were great with being proper about eating the cake – they used forks and didn’t stuff it in each other’s faces. The caterer offered to cut the cake for all the guests and I loved that since it might have been a disaster if I did it!
The sun was setting by this time and Shanna thought it would be a perfect time for group photos on the upper deck. So, after enjoying the fabulous cake, we took everyone to the upper deck for group photos. The scenery was phenomenal! It was breathtaking! It made for a stunning background. After the group photos, I asked Mike and Kim if they would like a first dance. They agreed! Once I put the music on, they had their first dance. It was so cute! I could tell they are two people so in love with each other! It was a precious moment! Once they were done with their first dance, I suggested they dance with their parents. They were agreeable on that too! I put on another song for Kim to dance with her father and Mike to dance with his mother. It was so fun to watch them! I’m sure their parents were giving them advice while dancing since no one else could hear! I just let the music keep playing so the dancing could continue and they loved the music selection. Some of them were dancing like there was no tomorrow during some of the songs. It was great! Then, I led Kim into her bouquet toss. She actually had to throw it twice! She was worried she was going to hit the bars that are for a canopy on the upper deck. Mission accomplished! She ended up throwing it again so one of her lovely bridesmaids could catch it.
After that, I let everyone just mingle and enjoy the scenery. I was talking with some of the guests and it was just a blast to get to know all these friends and family of Mike and Kim. Everyone was so easy-going and fun! Once the yacht got back to the dock, I let everyone know it’s time to exit the yacht. Everyone had a great time and that’s what I always aim for when coordinating a wedding or reception. I want to make sure everyone is happy and enjoying themselves and not stressing about how everything is going to turn out.
Shanna took a few more pictures of Mike and Kim on the grounds of Lake Las Vegas. Let me tell you, Mike and Kim should pursue a career in modeling! They have amazing pictures! They are naturals at it – so much so that I had a really hard time choosing which photos to put along with this post.
The next day, they had an onsite photo appointment with a chapel limo as their transportation. I was hoping I could get away so I could come say hello to them. I wasn’t able to, but I remember talking to their limo driver after he dropped them off back at their hotel. George said, “We love Mr. and Mrs. Newman! Aren’t they great?” I ended up telling George all about their yacht wedding and reception. I also told him how I love Mr. and Mrs. Newman!
It was my pleasure to be a part of your whole wedding and reception experience. Shanna, Al, George and I just adore you two! Congratulations! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors together.